Is Gum Disease Reversible?

Can gum disease be reversed? It depends on at what point you diagnose and start treating it.
The first stage of gum disease is gingivitis. Fortunately, gingivitis is completely reversible. Symptoms tend to include minor irritation, redness, or swelling along the outermost edges of your gum tissues (gingiva.) You might even see a little bleeding here or there when you brush and floss.
To reverse gingivitis, you’ll need to brush twice daily (especially along your gumlines) and floss daily. Professional dental cleanings are also essential, as we can remove plaque and tartar from hard-to-reach spaces before the disease advances to a more aggressive stage.
With good home care, gingivitis can be reversed in about two weeks.
Periodontal disease, on the other hand, cannot. Once gingivitis goes untreated, it can progress into the surrounding gum and bone structures. At that point, mild to moderate periodontitis develops. This stage of infection triggers gum detachment and bone loss, creating deep “pockets” around each tooth.
We carefully measure and screen for gum pockets during each checkup, so that we can intercept periodontal infections during the earliest stages. With professional care and good oral hygiene, we can prevent the tissue detachment from becoming more severe. A series of deep cleanings may be necessary.
Aggressive gum disease will typically require further steps, such as gum surgery, bone grafts, or laser therapy. Otherwise, the tissue deterioration will lead to tooth mobility and loss. That’s not even mentioning the health implications it also plays a role in.
If you’re showing signs of gum disease or gingivitis, it’s time for a dental exam. Call Dental Care Center at Kennestone today.
Posted on behalf of Dental Care Center at Kennestone